Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Sunday the's another mall day!  We decided to brave the snow and get off of base.  Little did we know that we'd have VERY wet and VERY cold feet by the time we got to the mall!  Oops!  The snow here is slushy like in the PNW.  So the first thing on the agenda was...get the big kids some rain boots.  Thankfully they needed them and it wasn't an unnecessary purchase due to wet feet.

 The next thing we did was explore a bit, and get a treat.  The pastries here are so yummy!  We also got a bunch of candy to send to my nieces.  We've since eaten most of the candies...but that means another trip off of base.  Do you see a theme here?  When we got back from the mall we found out that we would FINALLY get to move to a bigger room.  It turns out the bigger room is exactly like the old room but has an itty bitty living area added on to the itty bitty room.  It's better than nothing I suppose.  I wish we had a room to close off for naps, but at least we aren't tripping over suitcases now.

looking into the room from the living area

Living area

bathroom off to the left, kitchen at the back far left

Tomorrow we start our AOB (area orientation brief).  I am not excited.  I do NOT want my kids to go to daycare.  :(  I'll miss them like crazy.  Lady Loo is VERY excited for her first day of school...and I'm thankful that it's right across the street from our class.  At least I can keep an eye on one of my kids.  :(

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